ORAUSA 2023 Baltimore Convention Communique

2023 ORAUSA Baltimore convention Communique

ORAUSA 2023 Homeland Sumit

ORAUSA 2023 Homeland Sumit

ORAUSA Youths wins the 2021 WIWD Ike’s Scholar College Tuition

Congratulations! ORAUSA Youths win the 2021 WIWD Ike's Scholar College Tuition.Miss Thelma Ogunjiofor (ORU Atlanta)Master Ikenna Ugboaja (OCUFE New York)About WIWD FoundationWIWD Foundation is a 501(C)3 non-profit charitable foundation that is dedicated to continuing...

2021 New Generation Award: Miss Chidimma Onyenezi (ORA Houston)

2021 New Generation Award Winner: Miss Chidimma Onyenezi (ORA Houston)

2021 Exemplary Affiliate Award: OCUFE New York

2021 Exemplary Affiliate Award: OCUFE New York

Vendor Subscription Form

If you like a booth to display your business during our convention, please submit the vendor registration form.

Payment Due: USD 100.00 Only per Stand. Please submit payment using one of the following means:

  1. Via Zelle use secretary@orausa.us to make your payment (Use First name: ORA, Last name: USA). Take a screenshot and upload it here
  2. Pay to ORAUSA Bank of America bank account (Acct#: 004794989116). Make check out to “Orlu Regional Assembly, USA”. Take a picture of your receipt, upload the receipt here
  3. Address your check to ORA USA and mail to Mazi Emma Orji , National Treasurer at 1086 Blue Hill Ave, Boston Massachusetts 02124. Upload the screenshot of your text to Mazi Emma Orji (617-905-7671) informing him that the check has been mailed.
Vendor Subscription Form

General Information

Business Information

Business Discipline
Type of Business
How did you hear about us?
Payment Options

Maximum file size: 516MB

Signature & Date