ORAUSA 2023 Baltimore Convention Communique

2023 ORAUSA Baltimore convention Communique

ORAUSA 2023 Homeland Sumit

ORAUSA 2023 Homeland Sumit

ORAUSA Youths wins the 2021 WIWD Ike’s Scholar College Tuition

Congratulations! ORAUSA Youths win the 2021 WIWD Ike's Scholar College Tuition.Miss Thelma Ogunjiofor (ORU Atlanta)Master Ikenna Ugboaja (OCUFE New York)About WIWD FoundationWIWD Foundation is a 501(C)3 non-profit charitable foundation that is dedicated to continuing...

2021 New Generation Award: Miss Chidimma Onyenezi (ORA Houston)

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2021 Exemplary Affiliate Award: OCUFE New York

2021 Exemplary Affiliate Award: OCUFE New York



By Deacon Charles Anumudu

This year’s National Convention is gearing up to be a blowout. It is looking like a history-making convention in every sense of the word. ORANEWSFLASH is interested in capturing the historical moments and Houston is bound to go into the history books.
For one, it is the first convention that took 3 years to plan. Yes 3 years!

Secondly, it is coming after a record-setting convention in Washington DC 2019. You need a record to beat a record, and Houston is not called Ishimiri for nothing.

Thirdly,  this convention is like a reunion, coming after the worst pandemic any of us has seen in their lifetimes. In a sense,  it is also a survival party. We lost some members to the pandemic (bless their souls), but by the grace of God, a lot of us survived. We have to celebrate God’s goodness.

We have missed our annual fellowship for 2 years going to 3. Zoom is good but not as good as meeting in person, shaking hands and hugging one another. Many of us have grown taller, older and more matured. Some have become more handsome or prettier. Our kids have missed their friends and can’t wait to be reunited with them again.

We missed the joy of sharing…kolanuts, foods such as ukwa, akara, ugba, nkwobi and assorted drinks.

We missed the picnics and the opportunity to watch our kids play in the sand while the adults play board games like draught, ncho and scrabble.

The above is just a tip of the iceberg. As the countdown to Houston 2022 continues ORANEWSFLASH will post blogs to highlight what a convention like this means to ORAUSA. Our goal is to bring both young,  old and new members to H-Town to witness the historical event first hand.
Stay tuned.
Deacon Charles Anumudu


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